Meat the team: Jerry Scheerman
1 juni 2023

To start off, can you tell us a bit more about yourself and your role at Iberdeli?
I am Jerry Scheerman, 35 years old and I live in Rotterdam with my family. At Iberdeli, I am responsible for the procurement and sales of our quality meat in the Benelux region. When I’m not working, I enjoy playing football, frequently demonstrate my culinary skills behind the barbeque and love going out with my family.
How did you end up at Iberdeli?
I joined Iberdeli as a driver 11 years ago. A friend of mine was interning at Iberdeli and informed me about an available position. I had a blast working as a driver and helping out in the warehouse for 2.5 years. After a two-year break and trying something different, I was asked to come back to Iberdeli as a sales team member. Over the past years, I’ve had the opportunity to learn a lot and work with fantastic products.
Do you notice that the way of selling has changed in recent years? If so, could you briefly describe these changes?
Customers will always be on the lookout for personal contact and service. However, one notable change is the increasing customer demand to communicate with us through WhatsApp. They want an easy way to get in touch for sales and customer service support and WhatsApp provides a direct and user-friendly way to connect with them.
Do you consider yourself a carnivore, and if so, what’s your favorite cut?
As a barbeque fanatic, I enjoy experimenting with meat on the grill. My favorites are brisket and bavette. The piece of meat that truly gets me out of bed is the secreto from the Iberico pig. This beautiful meat is incredibly tender and rich in flavor.
Finally, with which colleague would you like to trade places and why?
I would love to swap a day with my colleagues Alex, Mike or Jelle. They are our top drivers who always comes back to the office with the coolest stories. I would enjoy working outside the office for a week, connecting with customers and representing the company.